This started with one of our Talent Acquisition specialists requested a list of previously asked interview questions. The objective was to prevent redundancy in later interview stages. This raised an intriguing challenge: how could we systematically capture and structure these interactions in a way that is both scalable and privacy-conscious?

As both COO and engineer, I saw an opportunity to develop an AI-driven solution while ensuring strict data security. Since external AI services were not an option due to data sensitivity, the solution had to be self-hosted or at least minimize exposure through controlled cloud environments.

A Three-Phase Implementation Strategy

I structured the development process into three distinct phases:

  1. Establishing a foundational script for diarization and transcription.

  2. Implementing a system where file uploads trigger processing pipelines.

  3. Creating a user-friendly UI that facilitates query-based interactions with transcripts.

Evaluating Self-Hosted AI Solutions

After extensive research, I identified the most suitable frameworks for speaker diarization and transcription:

  1. pyannote-audio (Optimal for Speaker Diarization)

    • Strengths: Cutting-edge speaker recognition.

    • Weaknesses: Requires a Hugging Face pretrained model.

    • Deployment: Python-based, GPU-recommended, integrates with Whisper and Vosk.

  2. Whisper + pyannote-audio (Balanced Hybrid Approach)

    • Utilizes Whisper for transcription and pyannote for speaker segmentation.

    • Aligns timestamps between transcription and diarization.

  3. NVIDIA NeMo ASR + Speaker Diarization

    • Strengths: High accuracy, GPU acceleration, trainability.

    • Weaknesses: Complex setup, requires NVIDIA GPU.

  4. Kaldi + Vosk (Lightweight, CPU-Compatible Alternative)

    • Strengths: Operates efficiently on low-resource systems.

    • Weaknesses: Lower diarization accuracy.

Initial Experimentation: Whisper + pyannote-audio

My initial approach employed Whisper + pyannote-audio to process interview recordings. However, I encountered a fundamental issue:

Diarization output:

- start: 8.41784375
  end: 10.645343750000002
  speaker: SPEAKER_02
- start: 13.817843750000002
  end: 15.876593750000001
  speaker: SPEAKER_01
- start: 23.85846875
  end: 24.75284375
  speaker: SPEAKER_03
- start: 28.48221875
  end: 29.02221875
  speaker: SPEAKER_06
- start: 28.54971875
  end: 28.684718750000002
  speaker: SPEAKER_05
- start: 32.49846875
  end: 46.96034375
  speaker: SPEAKER_01
- start: 48.141593750000006
  end: 48.158468750000004
  speaker: SPEAKER_01

Transcription output:

- text: ' So that, for example, if I am on the A, I will suppose I have gone through
    all the E so that I will not prefix it again with forage. So I will do set minus
    one, for example. And here I will see if map.getc is greater than minus one. But
    why? You already aggregated this data.'
  start: 263.433
  end: 291.125
- text: ' Yes, so suppose I am going through each of these strings again.'
  start: 291.732
  end: 295.158
- text: ' So, I will see that post A. No, no, please stop. It''s important, very important
    stuff. The first part is... Oh, right. The collection, right? If you have a collection,
    why should you mutate this collection? This collection purpose is only to get
    the result string, but... You''re right, you''re right.'
  start: 296.086
  end: 322.175

Since Whisper does not produce precise word-level timestamps, mapping text to individual speakers was unreliable, leading to overlapping segments and misattributions. This resulted in transcripts where multiple speakers' statements were incorrectly merged, making it difficult to extract meaningful dialogues and speaker-specific insights. Without accurate timestamps, diarization lacked the necessary precision to be useful in practical scenarios, requiring an advanced alignment method to improve reliability. This necessitated a more advanced alignment method.

Solution: WhisperX

Subsequent research led me to WhisperX, which augments Whisper’s transcription capabilities through phoneme detection and forced alignment. This additional layer of processing ensures that words receive accurate timestamps, enabling precise speaker segmentation.

WhisperX’s pipeline visualization:

Interview transcription using WhisperX model, Part 1., photo 2 - Valor Software

Development Environment

  • Operating System: Windows 11 (WSL2)

  • GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 (6GB, CUDA-enabled)

  • Programming Expertise: Limited Python experience but sufficient for experimentation

Execution of the Proof of Concept (PoC)

Once configured, my implementation followed these steps:

  1. Place input.wav in ./input.

  2. Execute python

  3. Extract the structured output transcription.csv from ./output.

Here is the full code:’m not a Python developer, so I hope you will excuse me for the code. It’s quite simple, you’ll see.

device = "cuda"
batch_size = 2
compute_type = "int8" # "float32"
model_dir = "./model/"
print(f"{elapsed()} 1. Loading model and audio")

model = whisperx.load_model("turbo", device, compute_type=compute_type, download_root=model_dir)
audio = whisperx.load_audio(audio_file)

print(f"{elapsed()} 2. Load Whisper model and transcribe")
transcription_results = model.transcribe(audio, batch_size=batch_size)
print(f"{elapsed()} 3. Align transcription")

model_a, metadata = whisperx.load_align_model(language_code=transcription_results["language"], device=device)
alignment_results = whisperx.align(transcription_results["segments"], model_a, metadata, audio, device, return_char_alignments=False)
print(f"{elapsed()} 4. Speaker diarization")
diarize_model = whisperx.DiarizationPipeline(use_auth_token=HF_TOKEN, device=device)
diarization_results = diarize_model(audio)
print(f"{elapsed()} 5. Assigning words to speakers")
result = whisperx.assign_word_speakers(diarization_results, alignment_results)
pprint.pprint(result["segments"][:4], depth=2)
print(f"{elapsed()} 6. Process and format the output")

structured_output = []
current_speaker = None
current_start = None
current_end = None
current_text = []

def format_time(seconds):
    return str(timedelta(seconds=int(seconds)))

for segment in result["segments"]:

    speaker = segment.get("speaker", "UNKNOWN_SPEAKER")
    start = segment.get("start", "unknown")
    end = segment.get("end", "unknown")
    text = segment.get("text", "")

    if speaker != current_speaker:
        if current_speaker is not None:
            structured_output.append([current_speaker, format_time(current_start), format_time(current_end), " ".join(current_text)])

        current_speaker = speaker
        current_start = start
        current_text = [text]

    current_end = end

if current_speaker is not None:
    structured_output.append([current_speaker, format_time(current_start), format_time(current_end), " ".join(current_text)])
print(f"{elapsed()} 7. Save to CSV")

with open(final_output_path, mode="w", newline="", encoding="utf-8") as file:
    writer = csv.writer(file)
    writer.writerow(["Speaker", "Start", "End", "Speech"])

print(f"{elapsed()} Transcription saved to {final_output_path}")

Debug Efficiency

To enhance debugging efficiency, I saved intermediary results in YAML or binary formats. This allowed specific steps to be skipped using command-line flags:

  • --skip-whisper: Loads existing WhisperX transcription.

  • --skip-alignment: Skips forced alignment.

  • --skip-diarization: Uses precomputed diarization data.

Resolving Technical Challenges

  1. CUDA Public Key Mismatch

    • Issue: Failed GPU initialization due to outdated CUDA installation and mismatched repository keys.

    • Solution: Resolved by updating CUDA packages using sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, manually importing the correct public key with: + ---- wget -qO- | sudo apt-key add - ---- and ensuring PyTorch and CUDA versions are correctly aligned using nvcc --version and torch.cuda.is_available().

  2. Excessive Processing Time

    • Issue: Processing a 60-minute file exceeded acceptable time limits.

    • Solution: Optimized batch sizes, implemented efficient GPU memory management, and leveraged mixed-precision computation. Additionally, experiment with switching between int8 and float32 precision to balance performance and quality. int8 can significantly accelerate inference on compatible hardware while reducing memory usage, though it may slightly degrade accuracy. If high fidelity is required, float32 remains the preferred choice. As a next step, leveraging powerful cloud-based GPU instances could further enhance performance and scalability, reducing processing time while handling larger workloads. I will cover this in detail in the next article.

Future Directions

Pending further internal validation—such as accuracy benchmarks, processing efficiency, and user feedback—and demonstrated public interest through engagement and adoption, the next iterations will focus on:

  • Cloud Deployment: Enabling automated file processing with real-time results.

  • Web-Based UI: Providing an interactive interface for transcript analysis.

  • Sentiment & Emotion Detection: Expanding capabilities to include speaker tone and engagement analysis.

This project has provided valuable insights into AI-powered transcription and diarization. In the upcoming article, I will explore the complexities of cloud deployment and scaling this solution for broader usability.

If you have thoughts, feedback, or experiences to share, I’d love to hear them!