
Product Ownership

A product owner is a person who always knows what’s the next turn that the product should take to succeed. Valor’s PO will help you transform your product vision into user stories and ensure your solution moves towards higher user satisfaction and draws new loyal audiences.

Establish a product team

Project Management

While PO looks at a project from the product value perspective, the project manager is up to every single organizational detail. Valor’s PM will take charge of the product delivery process and help every team member perform at their best.

Improve your team performance

PO Value

PO Benefits

Unified product vision icon

Unified product vision

As a product usually has several stakeholders who have their vision and might emphasize different aspects, PO comes for help. Valor’s experts will synchronize all the product goals and define a shared vision.

Focus on users icon

Focus on users

In the face of PO, you have the one who devotedly monitors users’ satisfaction. Through early user interaction studies and A/B testing, Valor’s product owner constantly defines the way for product evolution and advocates customer interests to the team.

Sound product backlog icon

Sound product backlog

The backlog with high-priority user stories is another place of action where Valor’s PO performs. Together with the Scrum Master, they groom the backlog items and prepare the board for upcoming sprints.

Boost in product value icon

Boost in product value

The product owner cares to increase the value of the product for users and the business. Valor’s PO quantifies the ROI of new features as well as sales and marketing activities to optimize budget distribution and maximize product worth..

New requirements articulated icon

New requirements articulated

Sometimes priorities for the project shift, but the dev team doesn’t have sufficient detail to take the new part of the work into the sprint. So, the PO balances new requirements with the original product vision and transforms them into a clear goal.

Improved sprint velocity icon

Improved sprint velocity

PO oversees sprints, monitors the amount of value delivered, and suggests improvements to the process. On the other hand, the product owner shields the team from business influences and requirements engineering. Learn more about the benefits the PO role brings to the project from the blog.

PM Value

PM Benefits

Custom approach to your project icon

Custom approach to your project

No project is the same, so we pick the approach to project management that will suit your product best. This includes the choice of PM and configuration management tools, frequency of syncs with the stakeholders, optimal sprint duration, etc.

Tech-savvy managers icon

Tech-savvy managers

Valor’s PMs have the skill and experience to evaluate the importance of every product feature and the effort for its implementation. For sure, communication is the essence of their job, yet managers contribute to the project with technical advice and add to the team's self-sufficiency.

Day-to-day team supervision icon

Day-to-day team supervision

Need a brief update regarding the project or a particular task? – Turn to your PM! This person has daily meetings with the team and knows every project detail. Also, through measuring team progress, PMs are always aware of possible bottlenecks and how to make things spin.

Solid project documentation icon

Solid project documentation

With proper docs, you can always check if the project requirements are fulfilled and track who and when added changes. PM will help you boost project traceability as he or she creates and constantly refreshes project materials.

On track of change requests icon

On track of change requests

It’s well-said that you should manage change unless it manages you. Valor’s PMs have their fingers on the pulse of change requests, adjusting the project scope and deliverables correspondingly. From now on, every change request is noted and processed.

Risk mitigation icon

Risk mitigation

As your project progresses in an agile environment, every team member manages time and expectations to mitigate product delays. And the PM eliminates a chance of a large-scale failure through regular updates and sprint reviews.

Valor's Traits

Retention & stability icon

Retention & stability

Valor Software not just cares about clients’ satisfaction but fosters a friendly and discussion-oriented environment for employees. This makes the company a place where experts tend to work in the long run. So, you can obtain true knowledge-keepers for your project. To learn more about the company values and employment conditions, visit the employees-focused page.

Technical proficiency icon

Technical proficiency

The company makes professional growth and training part of the culture to the extent that we even have hours for self-education added to the schedule. Keeping track of the latest industry trends and a constant skill-up lets our managers solve common issues in a more efficient way.

Agility icon


Valor’s clients are located globally, so we make it easy for them to communicate with the team and keep track of the project changes no matter what time zone they are in. This agility is important because it allows us to go beyond initial requirements and build products that capture the market. Learn more about the benefits of Agile for your business from the dedicated article on our blog.

Learn how we can help!

Apply for consultation with Valor’s experts and get a quick project evaluation. If you’re not sure where to start from, let’s talk and see what we can do for you!

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