
The friendliest wellness app” for meditation – that’s what users tell about Breethe! We all need inner peace and calm to function and what’s even better – act at our best. Through this app, you reach one of the keys to regaining peace inside of you and bringing it out. Three, two, one... exhale slowly.


Breethe is №1 24/7 people’s partner for anxiety and a leader in meditation apps on the market. It helps relieve stress, relax, improve sleep, and generally contributes to mental health through simple and accessible practices.

While meditation remains complicated, time and sacred knowledge-requiring activity in the majority of minds, Breethe proves it can be easy to meditate.

The app helps people to make relaxation and awareness part of their lives without any sacrifice. Charismatic and easy-going creators made Breethe for our good, thinking of humans and hoping to make a session with Breethe our favorite part of the day.


Our customers have already achieved huge success with the Breethe app for iOS-powered devices when they turned to Valor to build the version for Android. Our main challenge with this project was delivering the first version of the app within a limited time for start. Later – a complete replication of the design and the functional scope of the iOS app, which has been on the market for a while. Below, we’re sharing a story of how we handled this challenge and did a bit more than that! Which Valor also owes to a beautiful Coral team that is extremely open, passionate about the product, and available for any questions cause no questions are stupid, as we know.


Sleep tracks, hypnotherapy sessions, masterclasses, music, and nature sounds playlists are just a few of the numerous things you can find in Breethe.
Valor suggested using NativeScript to build a single code base that would equally support iOS and Android versions to simplify the development, management, and scaling of the app.

1. Building a NativeScript App for Android

Sleep tracks, hypnotherapy sessions, masterclasses, music, and nature sounds playlists are just a few of the numerous things you can find in Breethe. Valor suggested using NativeScript to build a single code base that would equally support iOS and Android versions to simplify the development, management, and scaling of the app.


  • Native-like performance

  • Cross-platform and easily maintainable app

  • Direct access to native APIs

  • Regular updates of NativeScript versions following newest OS releases

2. Reproducing the iOS App Design

At this stage, we implemented the Android version design equal to the iOS version with correspondent functionality and adjusted the designs to Android specifics. The app rating shows that the user flow of Breethe can become a meditative process itself :)


  • Breethe became a leader in best guided meditation apps in 2022

  • The application audience has grown

Adding New Functionality

The team added plenty of new features to improve the usability. We provided access to camera, audio and video playing, storage, files, etc. through NativeScript API’s proxy to mobile native APIs.


  • Users’ lives just got easier and the satisfaction grew!

  • The application quality has been improved

  • Breethe is prepared for further user acquisition


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Angular 14

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The Valor team is continuing its work on this amazing product and we hope to make even more for the success of Breethe in the future. Our current goal is to align Android functionality with the iOS application, which has been worked on for much longer than the Android app. We’ll keep you posted on the progress, and try to enjoy sleep and deep relaxation in-between :)


Suren Kocharian
Director of Production, Breethe

Since the very beginning of our SOW assignement, we were able to see and confirm that Valor company have the best and most well prepared team of developers Project managers and programmers by assisting in every single improvement we faced where new features, adjustments, and assistance became needed. All requests raised were promptly addressed and troubleshooted on a timely fashion as adding value to our platform. Also, Valor team always shared new ideas, new thoughts, suggestions to improve users acceptance as users smoothly navigation into our app. We were able to develop together a better user friendly environment bringing satisfaction not only to our company as a whole, but to our customers worldwide. New challenges are coming and I’m sure that working with Valor team was the best option this company decided to bet on it. Thanks Guys.

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